Dean Koontz “Deeply Odd”

Deeply Odd is more emotionally straining than the other books. Given that children are the main focus, be prepared to become teary-eyed. Odd’s world is becoming more complex and it will be interesting to see where this goes in the final novel.


As I’ve mentioned before, Odd Thomas is one of my favourite characters to read. The mixture of humour and seriousness helps captivate my attention in each new book. I’m enjoying how Koontz is exploring more paranormal activities with each new plot. Additionally, I hope with the last installment of the series, Saint Odd, everything will come together to create a full picture, as it appears everything is coming full circle.

“Always questioning your motivations is a healthy thing, but fearing your capacity for doing the wrong thing, so that you retreat from many aspects of life, is a terrible error in itself.” pg. 386


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