JoJo Moyes “After You”

After You definitely took longer to read than I would have preferred; it’s chick lit so it doesn’t require much attention.

This is the follow-up novel to Me Before You, and despite taking too long to read the book, I actually enjoyed it more than the first book.

The novel follows the life of Louisa Clark after losing Will Traynor. She struggles to move on after a part of Will’s past shows up at her door one night, pulling her life into another direction she is fighting to avoid.

I enjoyed this book because it teaches you to live your life, which is definitely important. Questions I always have are, “Why is it that I feel obligated to post this photo on Instagram? Is it to prove I have an active social life? Why can’t I enjoy the moment without posting it?”

With another birthday coming up in my own life, I’m learning I need to do things for myself. Yes it’s okay to do things for others – but if it’s not being returned, you need to learn how to let go.

“You don’t ask, you don’t get.”

My review of JoJo Moyes’ Me Before You..

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