Wednesday Listens E19


This is what it is.

Andrew Belle. Your lyrics are magically, and let me space out. Thank you kind sir. Your voice is so soothing.

May come off as a pretentious band, but I like their sounds. Their new single “Love Me” is also a good song to check out. It’s 1975 meeting the 80s.

Bloc Party will always have a place in my heart and playlist. They are without a doubt, a great band. Sad to see changes to who’s in the band currently, but I’m sure they’ll come out with new great stuff. Intimacy is one of my favourite albums. Each song flows into the next, and Kele Okereke has a great voice.

Wednesday Episode E18

Music is going in a new direction this week (but of course). More of an updated scene selection, because why not?

I never really appreciated Brendon Urie until recently revisiting Panic! At the Disco music. One: Great vocal range. Two: Look at his facial expression. Three: Look at Brendon. Song is super catchy.

Whooo can deny their love for Fall Out Boy?

I really don’t understand why I find these guys catchy.

Wednesday Listens E17

Choosing the live version to a) showcase his talent LIVE in ONE TAKE, layering his voice. b) beautiful face. c) appreciate all that is Matt Corby. So glad to see him back after so many years.
This is the song I need in my life right now. Corby describes it:
“It’s a song about being able to appreciate where you are, being mindful, and thinking that maybe you don’t need much to depend on or define yourself by, you just need to enjoy the fact that we all get to share this single lifetime together”

Lyrics are on the same path, and ooops another beard. Not sure how I came across this number last year, pretty sure it was on an 8tracks playlist and it’s stuck ever since.

When that beat starts though.

Wednesday Listens E15

Going with some nice toe-tapping tunes as I am beginning to feel sick, and a night out dancing is definitely in order.  (Dance Cave round two anyone?)

Loving that 80s vibe. Perfect vocals of course by Matt Berninger (yep, from The National). The drum comes in at the right parts, and just everything is working for this number.

Half Moon Run definitely needs to be recognized more. Great Canadian band based out of Montreal. They know how to layer their music, and make ya feel.

Love to see Death Cab for Cutie back. “The Ghosts of Beverly Drive” reminds me of Plans. Again, it’s because of the use of lyrics and layers.

Wednesday Listens E14

Another Wednesday is here, meaning another Wednesday Listens for you. This week I decided to choose some EDM songs because it’s always nice to get lost in the sounds, and I feel EDM allows you to clear your head more so than other genres.

Pretty Lights are amazing because ONE they have nice mixes. Each album has a theme, and each song blends into the next which is nice. TWO their music is available for free download off their website, which is a nice treat. This song brings me back to Winter of last year sitting in the Waterloo Public Library. I focused on Pretty Lights heavily while I worked through my essay marking for my tutorial class.

I absolutely love Flume’s take on this song. I picture a couple dancing an Argentine Tango to this song (completely random thought but someone needs to get on that).

This song works wonders.

Wednesday Listens E13

I always go through Motown phases. There was once where I could only find inspiration for all of my essays by listening to Motown. They just get you in a good feeling, calm the nerves, and make you want to dance.

The Four Tops are one of those groups that have nice sounds. I love this and “I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch).” It’s the harmony. And the dance moves.

That voice though. And this is live, like. How does one do that? That audience needs to loosen up though, only critique (they are so stiff).

And it wouldn’t be a Motown playlist without The Temptations. A classic. Am I the only one dancing right now? Don’t answer that.

Wednesday Listens E12

Going for a slower pace this week given that I’ve had one PSL drink this September, and just want to wear sweaters on the daily. These songs are great to replay while processing and thinking things over.

Nathaniel Rateliff is just so vocally talented. This song made me emotional first time I listened to it, because it’s just so powerful; he has such raw emotion in his voice. It’s a softer song that just, just listen to it to understand it. Really, I’m so moved I can’t write.

I always thought this should be a single from The Lumineers but it never reached that level. I haven’t heard much from them in the last year or two, they seemed to have peak in 2013. That was in fact the year I had the pleasure of seeing them at Osheaga. “Dead Sea” what a great, sad expression.

This is another hauntingly beautiful song. “Medicine” by Daughter is just, oh so lyrically magical. And my god her voice. I love how the piano and background noise is not overpowering. Her voice stands out, and the piano acts as a great accent. Ya know what I mean?

x victoria.

Wednesday Listen E11

British Invasion seems to be the theme with this one. Here I present you with music from three decades all featuring UK artists.

Don’t be hating on The Beatles. They are by far a revolutionary band, do not deny this fact. One of the few bands that can get away with changing their sound with each new album they released. We go from the Fab Four from the sixties, to rougher sounds heading into the 70s. Then we had our experimental phases dipping into their play on the use of Sitar, as well as those LSD psychedelic days.

Adam Ant is my guilty pleasure. The beat is sick, and he has amazing tunes to dance ridiculously too. Good Two Shoes is by far my favourite track, as just look at me — such a goody two shoes. Check out Stand and Deliver for some great use of overlapping vocals.

And of course bringing it up to date, some Arctic Monkeys. Did you know that they became famous in North America by people pirating their music? Yep. By others recording their music and posting it, it allowed Arctic Monkeys to gain exposure in North America — just a tidbit.


Wednesday Listens E10

Woah. How did we make it to ten weeks of this already? Theme for this week seems to be b/w videos mixed with some alternative indie. WHICH if you think about it. What classifies it as alternative?

Please hook me up to an IV to this song. That’s how much I am loving it. It’s been stuck in my head for days now. 1. Nothing creepier than a six year old girl wearing a dress and THOSE shoes spinning around in a grave yard. 2. So catchy.

What I love about this song is of course Jesse Rutherford’s voice. Just listen to him. Liking the drum beat for this song mixed with the synth sounds. Nice to hear The Neighbourhood back with a solid single.

Casting for this is intriguing; very androgynous model featured in this video. No doubt you have heard “First” on the radio by Cold War Kids. I came across this band by mistake while searching for another song. My first listen to this band was “Lost that Easy,” which if you haven’t heard go do that now.

The main vocalist has a nice sound that’s different from most vocals you’ll hear.

Same direction here. The Kooks came out with this single back in October, yet I don’t think it’s gain the attention it deserves. Background vocals pair nicely with the beat. Gets your head-a-shaking.