[2015] reflection

Well. 2015 is coming to a close, so what better – albeit cliche – way to end the year than to reflect upon it. Based on a general outlook on the year, I think this has been one of my most progressive years yet. For those curious, bored, or are here for God knows why, 2015 brought the following achievements:

  • Graduated with a Bachelor of Arts
  • Found a job I am enjoying (shoutout #PBC)
  • Successfully purchased my first car, all on my own
  • Began learning to appreciate where I am
  • Signed up for courses at Sheridan (Continuing & Professional Education)
  • Began venturing out of comfort zone one step at a time

2015 was also a year for festivals. I said yes to attending more, and feel this was a great decision; experiences definitely add value to one’s life. Some events worth noting:

I also have to touch upon the books of 2015. Oh reading, you are simply the best thing in life. Although not nearly enough books I desired to finish, I will accept 18. (more like 17.5, but let’s go with 18). Favourite reads were Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari, The Girl on the Train and of course my pal Dean Koontz (finished many Odd Thomas books). Dirty Wars was by far the biggest task but most rewarding read.

BooksRead2015I’m hoping 2016 follows a similar path. I will not jot down resolutions for 2016 as I feel that this is something that can be started on any day… I will however have a general attitude towards the year: That it will be another year of transformation.

Cheers 2015. You’re one for the books.


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